Focussing on what matters

Montagu’s focus in must-have products and services in structurally growing marketplaces means that we can identify key ESG focus areas that are relevant to the sectors that we invest in.

Based on our experience and standard industry materiality frameworks, we have created our ESG Topic Framework as set out in our Responsible Investment Policy, which is regularly reviewed and updated.

We assess investments against the Topic Framework, as part of the due diligence, onboarding, and annual reporting process.

The topics that are material to each portfolio company will depend on their specific sector, geography, and value chain.

However, the topics that are commonly material across our portfolio are:

  • Governance: Cyber security, ESG risks in the supply chain
  • Social: Talent attracting and retention, D&I (in operations and supply chains)
  • Environmental: Climate impact and risks

We provide portfolio-wide support on these key common themes. Find out more on what we do on climate and D&I specifically.

Every business is unique. We work with the companies to understand their risks and opportunities, and develop and implement an ESG action plan to adequately address material topics that will minimize risk and maximise value. The action plans are underpinned by targets that allow us to measure progress over time.